Does coyote urine smell bad?

Does coyote urine smell bad?

The simple answer is "Yes", especially if you take a good whiff right out the bottle!  However, when placed around the area that you want to protect a human would be hard pressed to smell it.  Remember, wild animals have 300 times the smell of humans.

Coyotes KILL AND EAT deer, raccoons, skunks, armadillo, rabbits and other furry animals!  If the suspected presence of a nearby coyote is not enough to scare these animals, then nothing will!

In the wild a predator will mark its territory with not only urine, but more importantly, with pheromone secretions from their glands.  This occurs with the urinating process as a coyote will rub with its legs, saliva, and rectal glands. Urine that does not contain the natural territorial gland scents are only doing part of the job. 

The use of predator urine has long been used to protect gardens and landscaping from foraging deer, rabbits, and other critters.  However, in many instances, urine alone has not been strong enough to get the job done which is why Ole Time Woodsman has added the necessary gland scents to fully mimic a territorial marking.

Before there was a supermarket on every corner, the farmstead garden was essential to survival for rural families.  If you did not have a dead coyote hanging from a pole around your garden, urine with pheromone gland scents was the next best thing!

Sometimes, the old ways are better ways!


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1 comment

But What does coyote urine smell like? Does it smell a bit like a skunk? I was taking my dog out my front door to pee st night and we were hit in the face with this nasty skunk like smell. My dog was going crazy.


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